Homily by Fr. Paul Plante
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year B
date unknown
Scriptural Reference: Mark 3:20-35
There is a very important message in the words of Jesus as shared in Mark’s Gospel. This brief teaching really tells us a lot about our relationship with Jesus – what it is that precisely connects us with the Lord – what it is we can look for in our lives if we want to say that indeed we are the followers, the disciples – the sisters and brothers, the relatives of Jesus.
First of all we see the mother and relatives of Jesus having a message brought to him that they have arrived to see him. If we had not heard the story many times we would expect Jesus to favor his mother and other close relatives – leave the other people and spend time with his relatives.
Instead, an important lesson for all of us, including the relatives – “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers and sisters?”
The answer is one we have to hear very clearly – it is something we have to know – it has important consequences in our lives – it could mean we are included in the company of Jesus or it could mean we are excluded.
The answer: “whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me.”
So connection with Jesus does not come automatically like being a relative. It is not as easy as saying: I was born a Catholic or I was baptized and made my First Communion or I am as good a person as anybody else or I come to church at least twice a year or I prefer praying at home or in the woods. Jesus’ mother and relatives were as close to him as they did the will of God.
What is the will of God for you? Are you a close or a very distant relative of Jesus Christ?