Homily by Fr. Paul Plante
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year B
July 21, 1985
Scripture Reference: Mark 6:30-34
Have you ever felt that it would be just wonderful to have Jesus in front of you – telling you personally some of the words we hear him tell his disciples in the Gospel? Jesus’ invitation to his disciples from today’s Gospel would be perfect: “Come to an out of the way place and rest a little.”
Don’t these words reflect a lot of love and sincere caring – no big theological or dogmatic statement but certainly a sensitivity to a need that is very real in your life and mine? The need to be quiet and to rest, to regain the peace so often lost in our pressured and hectic everyday life.
It is not a matter of running away from responsibilities; it is a question of being in touch with our true source of energy – being still to hear God’s voice deep within – being still to communicate with self that kind of integrity reestablished, so we can become a true gift to others and enjoy all of God’s good and beautiful creation.
In our noisy world, are we able to make this quiet time possible for one another? As Jesus made it possible for his disciples because he cared, can we show that kind of sensitivity to those around us?
This week, I some small way, may we foster an atmosphere of inner peace for ourselves and for others. We might just meet God by being in touch with self.